The Water

The fact that you can’t drink water from a faucet adds another layer of thought to your day. The weather in New Delhi is hot (over 90 degrees, in September), and so drinking is critical. So you need to remember to leave the house with a bottle of purified or bottled water. In the US, we take it for granted that we can get water along the way, if we don’t have any with us.
Another issue with water….how far do you need to go to avoid ingesting tap water? At first, we brushed our teeth with bottled water, and rinsed the brush with bottled water. But then, we washed the cup (and all the dishes) with tap water. Is that ok? When the dishes dry, do the contaminants disappear? We have all gotten more lax on this one…and we are brushing our teeth now with tap water. No ill effects, so far.

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