Disease management is different for us here, since the diseases are different. There are rampant stray animals, and Jesse and I made a mission to care for some of these animals. There is a high rate of rabies in India, so Jesse and I got rabies shots. It’s a series of 3 injections, over the course of a month; we get the last one after one year. I’m still not quite sure what it protects you from, since you STILL need to get some shots if you do get bitten, but perhaps it buys you some time?
None of us take malaria medication, and mosquitoes have become prevalent again. There are scary side effects for the malaria pills. (Adam had a bout of sleepwalking while taking these pills when we first arrived, so we all stopped.) Plus, there is no vaccination for mosquito-borne dengue fever. So basically, you really need to prevent all mosquito bites, by using repellents, sprays, etc….and then just praying…
We recently filled out the medical forms to submit to insurance for reimbursal. The list of illnesses were….unusual. We had forms for when Adam had food poisoning, and forms for when he was throwing up blood. We joked that the medical insurance companies won’t want to insure us, after this bizarre string of illnesses. My colleagues commented: On the contrary, you are now immune to so much…
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