The arrival of our table....seats 12, comfortably

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The elusive table that I have described in earlier posts was delivered on December 2nd. We had placed the order in September. There were a series of mishaps and delays; carpenters falling ill with mosquito-borne illnesses, Moslem holidays that delayed work, inability to find linseed oil, difficulty in sanding the wood to Amnon’s specs, and who-knows-what-else. It was definitely starting to feel mythical; the table that we would talk about that would never arrive. Part of the problem was that Amnon had designed aspects of it himself, and so the structure was not “routine” for the workers and perhaps they didn’t know what they had gotten themselves into when they first agreed to construct it. But now we had a new deadline for them; the arrival of Amnon’s brother and sister-in-law for Chanukah, and we wanted to be able to enjoy festive family meals on our lovely table-to-be; not on the assorted card tables we had been draping with table cloths. Amnon gave them a strict deadline of Thursday night, as David and Malka were scheduled to arrive at 4:00 am Friday morning. And amazingly, by 11:30 p.m., the various carpenters arrived and all the pieces were put in place. Our mythical unicorn of a table and 12 chairs had arrived, and it was as beautiful as Amnon had designed it to be. It has the shape of a Star of David under the glass top. I told my brother-in-law we should have invited them months earlier, since they were the catalyst for final product! Malka shared her own secret for getting stuff done at home….she invites guests once a month, and everything that has been stored up on “to do” lists gets completed the day before.

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