Exposures that the boys are having…all good things

When the opportunity came up, Amnon and I decided that taking an assignment in India for a year would be a good thing for us, and also good exposure for whichever boys opted to join us. We knew that Adam would be joining us, and that he would be at an excellent high school in New Delhi, the American Embassy School. We knew he would come into contact with a rich and varied set of international students.

Gradually the other boys opted to join us as well, with Jordan and Jesse coming in September and Tomy scheduled to join us in a couple of days. They are all taking a “pause” on life - - gap years, gap semesters, etc. While I wouldn’t dictate how they would spend their time, I hoped it would be enriching and maybe even life-changing.

Amnon and I have reflected on how it all seems to be panning out, so far, and it is wonderful. The kids are happy. They spend hours together, hours talking to each other, which is priceless. They have toured a number of sites in Delhi and beyond. Adam began learning martial arts and doing body building, which were very affordable options here. (He sought out and hired a former “Mr. India” as his personal trainer.) Jesse has gotten a yoga instructor, and is learning guitar. Jordan has gotten interested in local bands, and in Indian music styles, and is taking dance classes. They did a stint of teaching English to kids in a slum school. Adam is planning to take Hindi classes within the next few weeks.

I think they will reflect on this as an important and meaningful year in their lives, as well as an enjoyable one. I couldn’t ask for more.

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